pondělí 19. září 2011


He was slowly walking through a forest. He has never been here before. Unknown. Intuition. Light from the sky was hugging the conifers. Only conifers. No leaves. He breathed in as deep as he could.
When you are looking for a meadow, you need to go through a forest.
He went to the middle of a meadow, it was so pure, so natural and so calm. Exactly what he needed in that moment. He got enough of it and went home. By bike.
Wind was just getting stronger and then a rain came. The harder rain - the clearer mind.
He got dried himself and was happy.

Good luck.


čtvrtek 8. září 2011


She took a cab to the closest place where she can get rest. All situation made her feel sad, miserable and melancholic.
Miserable. Life can be like this. She sat on a big stone and lighted a cigarette. What a pleasure. What now? What helps? What? Who?
That place was empty, full of green but it was just before evening so not dark, not light. No sun, no moon.
Another cigarette.
Nothing. That was what she needed at that moment. She got enough of it, so she stood up and went home. On her feet.
And then the night came. Moon was sowing the stars around and silence spilled around all town. All country, all planet. All planet.

Rest in peace.

středa 7. září 2011


K tomu se asi sotva dá něco dodat. Přesto....

Tragedie se dějí dnes a denně. Jen se třeba zrovna dnes nedotýká nás. Nebo taky jo.

Ano, reaguji na určitou tragedii, která se mě dotkla. Jak na ni mohu nereagovat, dotkla-li se mě? A jak o ní mám mluvit jindy? Lidi jsou lidi.
Je to smutný. Život umí být smutnej. To je život.

Soustrast všem, kteří už někoho postrádají. Všem. Klišé, ale konejte, než je pozdě.

Je mi smutno. Teď.
